Title: The Princess and the Frog
Snacks: Princess wand cookies, gummy frogs, popcorn, Shirley Temples
This past Saturday night we had our friend JoAnn and her daughter Regan over for dinner and Movie Night while her husband is away in Japan with the military (safely!). She is Nate and Abby's beloved teacher in their church classroom so boy were they ever excited to have her over for one of our favorite family activities.
In 8 year-old Regan's honor, the boys agreed to suck it up and watch a princess movie since "girls like princesses." So, we all consulted and decided on The Princess and the Frog since nobody had seen it yet. Cute movie despite the multitude of questions about what voodoo is from the kids :). The witty frog made up for that minor shortcoming!
Given a movie featuring frogs and princesses, the snacks ideas were endlessly streaming through my head. In the end I opted for pretty princess magic wand cookies and these fun gummy frogs that we had seen in a local supermarket. What a hit! The kids all loved them and they matched our theme so perfectly. Our wands were 2 cutout cookies with a bamboo skewer sandwiched between them. They were glazed in pink and decorated with decorating glitter and edible pearls. Uh, if these don't make you want to wish for a fairy godmother, I don't know what will! :) They were so much fun for all especially our special eight year old guest. I may only have a toddler girl in the house, but I do know that little girls love pink, tulle and sparkly things! :)
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